国家地理频道(国际) (National Geographic Channels International, NGCI) 透过不断创新的节目,邀请全球观众一起重新思考对于原来认知的电视及世界的看法。
问:专机使用支持的网络环境? 答:目前国内只支持国内的电信网络和联通网络。网速要求4M以上,就能够流畅播放高清节目。海外也可流畅使用。
问:专机播放流畅吗,是高清画质吗? 答:专机是采用最先进的CDN技术服务器,H265高清画质(1080P),保障播放稳定流畅。
问:专机有多少套直播频道? 答:目前专机有高清直播频道近305套节目,均可流畅播放!
问:专机换台速度多少? 答:采用最新流媒体传输技术,换台速度达到1秒急速,和普通看电视无差异,几乎感觉不到是在用网络电视。
问:专机使用有保障吗? 答:全部使用的是海外高性能服务器,使用加密传输技术,确保长期使用保障。
问:专机有没有回放和直播时移? 答:全部频道都有7天高清回放和直播时移,让你想看就看,想停就停,想回放就回放。
问:专机的直播时差有多少? 答:由于采用的是海外服务器传输,直播时差在1-2分钟左右。属于正常范围。
问:专机可以使用在多台电视机上吗? 答:不可以哦。专机只能连接一台电视机,根据自行需求选购。
问:专机可以在海外使用吗? 答:无论在国内还是海外都可以正常使用。但是最好使用在家庭网络或者没有速度限制的网络环境上。
Customer consultation please, problem summary!
1080 p high-definition jets, to the user to create a more theater experience, second, second, second, second is our essential features, including the selection of world-class high definition TV at home and abroad, the latest TV drama, Korean dramas on demand, such as TV, broadcast time shift, 7 days back to see everything, say goodbye to the other apps complicated Settings, fool operation, with world-class high-definition TV just by turning on the power supply and network, is your home entertainment gift necessary! Want to know the latest program listing, please contact WeChat customer service. You might have those doubts, now we answer
Q: the special use of support network environment? A: the current domestic only support the domestic telecom and China unicom network. Speed for more than 4 m, will be able to smooth high-definition programming. Overseas and also can be used smoothly.
Q: is smooth plane play, high-definition? Answer: the special is to adopt the most advanced technology of CDN server, H265 high-definition (1080 p), ensure stable smooth.
Q: how many special set of live channels? Answer: the plane has nearly 305 sets of hd broadcast TV programs, can be played!
Q: the special turnover rate? A: using the latest streaming media transmission technology, rapid turnover rate of 1 seconds, watching TV and ordinary no difference, almost can't feel is in using the Internet TV.
Q: the special use have safeguard? A: all use is overseas high-performance servers, using encryption transmission technology, to ensure the long-term use of security.
Q: are there any playback and live in special time shift? A: there are 7 days in all channel high-definition playback and live time shift, let you want to see you, want to stop, want to playback playback.
Q: the special live time difference how many? Answer: because transmission is the overseas server, live time in 1 to 2 minutes. Belongs to the normal range.
Q: plane can be used in many TV set? A: can't oh. Plane can only connect a TV set, choose according to their own requirements.
Q: plane can be used in overseas? A: both at home and abroad can be normal use. But it is best to use in the home network or no speed limit on the network environment.
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